Latest news

Latest news and current events in the field of fire safety, both domestically and internationally. We publish our own announcements and the most interesting news and burning topics in the fire safety sector from Finland and abroad. If you want to tip us about an event or news, please notify us either by email at or through the contact form on our website.

Herttoniemen jäähalli ice rink, Helsinki

The Herttoniemen jäähalli ice rink is an important part of Helsinki’s sports services, serving both amateurs and competitive athletes. The new practice ice rink offers versatile facilities for both recreational and competitive ice sports. The facility is open year-round. The Herttoniemen jäähalli is referred to as a dual-rink practice facility, featuring two ice hockey rinks, […]

Katajanokan Laituri, Helsinki

The architecturally magnificent Katajanokan Laituri is located in an important and traditional place for the people of Helsinki. After all, Katajanokka in Helsinki has hundreds of years of history behind it. The new office building is located in a maritime environment a short distance from Stora Enso’s former headquarters, the building known in Finland as […]

Helsinki Upper Secondary School of Natural Sciences

Helsinki Upper Secondary School of Natural Sciences has received the new premises built by the University of Helsinki. The high school, founded in 1999, will move from its old and cramped premises in Käpylä to the green university campus in Kumpulanmäki during the fall of 2023. The Kumpula campus is a center for natural science […]

Päiväkoti Martta Wendelin, Tuusula

Päiväkoti Martta Wendelin is a daycare center for ten early childhood education and care groups that offers daycare and pre-primary education places for around 200 children. The building’s versatile and flexible spaces include, among other things, a gym suitable for evening use, a studio suitable for basic art education, a dining room and office spaces. […]

Meilahti Bridge Hospital and the Comprehensive Cancer Center, Helsinki

The impressive new buildings of the Meilahti Bridge Hospital and Comprehensive Cancer Center rose in the Meilahti Hospital area of Helsinki, on a triangular plot bounded by the Meilahti Tower Hospital, the Department of Oncology and Paciuksenkatu street. The design of the new hospital has been based on a simple and functional structure and flexibility. […]

Länsimetro, Matinkylä – Kivenlahti

The majority of the Länsimetro line runs in tunnels excavated underground at a depth of more than twenty meters, so the fire safety design of the metro’s underground facilities is exceptionally demanding. All available information on passenger safety, fire safety and evacuation safety has been utilized in the design, and automated property monitoring and security […]